- Q What album would you bring to a desert island with you?
- A Counting Crows- August and Everything After
- Q Single most embarrassing album you ever bought?
- A The Veronicas-Hook Me Up. The wrapper is still firmly intact as I hadn't even made it as far as my Walkman before deciding Untouched was the worst song I'd ever heard.
- Q If you could rob the vocal chords of any singer, who would it be? Billy Joel, also wouldn't mind robbing his piano skills if they're going
- A Billy Joel, also wouldn't mind robbing his piano skills if they're going
- Q What song is your specialty at a karaoke?
- A TLC-No Scrubs as an icebreaker, then a pint-heavy rendition of The Cranberries-Zombie at approx 3am
- Q If you could erase one act from existence, who would it be?
- A Chris Brown.
- Q Out of all the venues in Ireland, where’s your favourite?
- A Mike The Pies in Listowel
- Q Tell us something about you that people don’t know.
- A If I tell ye then people would know, wouldn't they?