We were thrilled to partner with KnockanStockan again this year and honestly - it was the best one yet.

The layout was better, the stages bigger, the music more entrancing and the organisation more streamlined. But above all else, the one that makes KnockanStockan the best small festival in Ireland is .... the people!

With that, we set about continuing on our Humans of KnockanStockan feature from last year as we set out to snap and talk to even more KS folk as they frolicked through the green fields of Lacken.

So with that said, we give you, the Humans of KnockanStockan.

HumansOfKS (52 of 51)

"AwesomeStockan is just the best."

HumansOfKS (43 of 51)

"I'm the Salmon of Knowledge. I know all the answers, but I'm not going to tell them to someone like you."

HumansOfKS (2 of 51)

"We're getting married. The average Irish Wedding costs 22 grand. That's quite a bit."

HumansOfKS (4 of 51)

"I thought we were finished putting up our tent, but apparently we haven't really started."

HumansOfKS (44 of 51)

"Knockanstockan? More like Bop'n'lockin!"

HumansOfKS (5 of 51)

"We can do your make up next if you want?"

HumansOfKS (21 of 51)

"Festivals like this are great. It's the perfect place to look how you want to look and be how you want to be."

HumansOfKS (23 of 51)

"I'm Billy Rose the Flowerpot man. I'm a super-pollenator. I get people pregnant from a distance. It's super organic."

HumansOfKS (6 of 51)

"Dolphins are very sexually aggressive animals. People think it's great to swim with them, but you're really taking your chances."

HumansOfKS (28 of 51)

- "No photos."
- Just one?"
- Okay, one."

HumansOfKS (9 of 51)

"Can ghosts kill people? Yes. Should they? Well, that's not up for me to decide."

HumansOfKS (11 of 51)

- "Who's the most famous person to wear goggles?"
- "Dean Carey."
- "Who's Dean Carey?"
- "I am."

HumansOfKS (12 of 51)

"I googled Swag Hats and was very disappointed with the results."

HumansOfKS (13 of 51)

"It's Dwarven fashion. A beard divided into two parts and then braided, then some rings put in. I'm an early adopter."

HumansOfKS (14 of 51)

"That was my first modeling experience. It was pretty intense. It's the start and end of my modeling career."

HumansOfKS (16 of 51)

"If we were in a band we'd be called The Dickheads."

HumansOfKS (17 of 51)

"No, I'm not in the hat trade. I'm looking to do architecture. The architecture is good - lots of round shapes."

HumansOfKS (18 of 51)

"It's a big playground here. A big, mischievous playground."

HumansOfKS (19 of 51)

"It's my first festival. We didn't bring enough tent pegs."

HumansOfKS (20 of 51)

- "We've got like 8 tents here. It's like a country."
- "What would you call that country?"
- "Emmm. Pimpopulus."
- "And what is the population of Pimpopulus?
- "The pimpulation? 4 20."

HumansOfKS (22 of 51)

"I got a new flat. It's lovely. It's got it's own sitting room and toilet. I'm a big Tiesto fan. I'm here to see Tiesto."

HumansOfKS (24 of 51)

"Do you like my shorts?"

HumansOfKS (25 of 51)

"With two umbrellas you're twice as dry. It's science."

HumansOfKS (29 of 51)

"The rain was awful, but everyone got up on stage with me to shelter from the rain and it turned it into a better experience than I could've hoped for!"

HumansOfKS (31 of 51)

"Loah is amazing!"

HumansOfKS (33 of 51)

- "The best thing about the festival is this. "
- "I hadn't noticed it."
- "It's kinda hard to miss."

HumansOfKS (35 of 51)

"There was a sheep in my house recently. It just came in. We left the door open."

HumansOfKS (36 of 51)

- "He did my facepaint, it's weird but I couldn't do his so he did his one."
- "It's just a gift I have."

HumansOfKS (37 of 51)

"It's our first time here. We're gonna go mental. "

HumansOfKS (38 of 51)

*stares intently down lens*

HumansOfKS (39 of 51)

"We couldn't leave him at home. Not many people take dogs to festivals, but he's a big Interskalactic fan, so we just couldn't leave him there."

HumansOfKS (40 of 51)

"If KnockanStockan was a colour, it'd be...eh, Green." *uncontrollable laughter*

HumansOfKS (7 of 51)

"Those scrawny lads can look after themselves."

HumansOfKS (41 of 51)

"Why have I got the Austrian Flag on my face? I've no idea. I found some white and red facepaint on the ground."

HumansOfKS (42 of 51)

"I'm action man."

HumansOfKS (45 of 51)

"Don't come to a festival without wellies. Or with holes in your shoes. Learn from my mistakes."

HumansOfKS (49 of 51)

"I could probably go the weekend without a tent better than without drink. You could always barter into a tent with drink. You can't barter into a drink with a tent."

HumansOfKS (50 of 51)

"You can be a poet in Ireland fairly easily. You won't be rich, but you might be famous."

HumansOfKS (51 of 51)

"Humans of Knockan... OH MY GOD, ORANGE SMOKE!"