Sorcha Richardson is a 21-year-old singer-songwriter. Originally from Dublin, Sorcha has spent the last three years studying in New York where she has honed her skills not only as a musician but as a songwriter too. Having been recommended as one to watch by both the Irish Times and Nialler9 in 2012 earlier this year, her debut EP ‘Sleep Will Set Me Free’ was eagerly awaited and it hasn’t disappointed. Laden with catchy melodies, self-harmonies and memorable lyrics, Sorcha has certainly lived up to the billing.

Opening track Alone showcases Sorcha‘s songwriting ability as she sings about her heart beating “in syncopation, with the city, rarely with the nation.” Early Morning Rising was released a week in advance of the full EP and truly whetted the appetite of those who were already aware of Sorcha’s music with haunting vocals. It expresses the difficulties of leaving home and a dreaded sense of isolation. Alongside the running theme of isolation and independence, Sorcha writes about past relationships, most notably in Birds of Summer, and Higher is an emotional break-up song.

The stand-out track of ‘Sleep Will Set Me Free’ is undoubtedly the infectiously catchy I Heart NYC. Sorcha‘s knack for writing wonderfully emotive songs is perfectly portrayed in this short two-minute tune.  Every line creates a new image in the listener’s head as they are taken on a whirlwind tour of New York City. “I saw a sunrise, on a crumbling skyline”. Having already received airplay on radio stations in Ireland as well as being remixed by up and coming DJ Nils Hoffman, I Heart NYC is quite possibly the song that will set Sorcha apart from other up and coming singer/songwriter’s.

You can listen to and download Sleep Will Set Me Free on Sorcha’s BandCamp and fans in Ireland can catch Sorcha perform her material Upstairs at Whelan’s on August 8th.