A lot can happen in the space of twelve months. Just ask No Spill Blood. Bass player Matt Hedigan moved from Cork to the capital and hooked up with Ruadhan O’Meara and Adebisi Shank guitarist Lar Kaye to form this bass, drum and synth powerhouse – deservedly they have been picked up by the Sargent House label, home to a host of rockin’ bands of a similar pedigree. The Button Factory tonight plays host to their debut ‘Street Meat’ EP launch hooley.
Matters of sun worship and cans cause Goldenplec to miss out on the first support slots of Budget of the Shopping Anarchist and Simon Bird, but things are bubbling nicely as Jogging tool up to take the stage. Another power trio, the band churn out bass driven workouts with savage, overlaid guitar and guttural vocals. The vocal interplay between the two guitarists is a notable signature, all backed by a pummelling sticksman, and Every Bristle A Bayonet is a set highlight. The vocalists charge at each other, their two distinct voices alternately drawing the attention of the up-for-it crowd. The finale is a full on assault, a demolishing end to a great set as the band race for the finish.
“…the fucking train is coming…they’ve got some new tracks!” announce Jogging as they round off, leaving the stage warmed up for Realistic Train. The guitar noise brings folk back from the cool air of the smoking area before the drums kick in and the Train rock out. They are a band I hadn’t heard before composed of two members of Wizards of Firetop Mountain and Owensie, and they deliver a metal flavoured set-up with a light show that offsets things nicely. A groove stomp gradually becoming heavier leads into some nice bass and drum meltdowns in the middle of one memorable number – a moment’s silence, then we’re back in Sabbath style. Things accelerate and decelerate throughout the set in a heavy sludgy manner, a powerful EUSSR being thrashed out to an increasingly rowdy crowd.
It’s steadily heating up in the venue and people again escape to the respite of the smoking area before the main act. Its drums up front as No Spill Blood burst in over the stereo in fuck-you style and begin a blistering run through of the ‘Street Meat’ material. Junior is face-meltingly class, simple as that, while EP highlight Good Company is a treat live as much as on wax. Things escalate as the gig progresses, Matt Hedigan’s powerful, abrasive vocal style as much of a beefed-up instrument as the layered synths of O’Meara. Drummer Kaye is the kinetic force that drives the gig, O’Meara and Hedigan on either side of him layering on the noise that is the flesh on the bones of it all. The encore continues both the sonic and visual barrage and rounds off a night of acts that complimented each other perfectly. It was loud, it was hot and it was free; ‘Street Meat’ EP, consider yourself launched in style.