Leo DrezdenWe recently sent our own Claire Beck along to visit Leo Drezden (Rían Trench, Steve McKinney, Chris Con & Dan Le Bolloc'h). While there, they talked about everything from their technical output, their recording and song-writing process, future plans and more - check it out here.

The band are a reincarnation of the revered, groove-heavy prog instrumentalists Rocket Surgery and occupy a musical space that blurs the lines between electronica, post-rock and contemporary jazz-rock arrangements.

Following on from our 'Spotlight' feature with them we now present to you the official premiere of their debut album 'Multi-Moment' it’s encouraging to find a record as vibrant, vigorous, and accomplished as Leo Drezdens’- enjoy:

Leo Drezden launch their album in The Twisted Pepper tomorrow (6th of March). See full details here.