With just nine sleeps until the gates open (but who's counting!), we caught up with Gavin Glass ahead of his Knockanstockan debut.
"We are delighted to be playing Knockanstockan this year."
"I have heard SO much about this festival from a load of bands and musicians that have come through the studio over the past few years."
"I love what the people behind Knockanstockan stand for."
"It's a music festival run by people with a genuine passion for music and art, and not just in it for a quick buck."
"There is a really vibrant (and long overdue!) new wave of independent music sweeping Dublin, and I think Sweeneys and the Knockanstockan crew are the epicenter of this."
"I love the whole DIY approach of whats going on in this scene."
"Bands like The Hot Sprockets, Eskies and New Secret Weapon are doing things on their own terms which is pretty inspiring in an industry which is rapidly internally combusting."
"Looking forward to playing and partying!"