The last time I saw Nick he was performing downstairs in the Czech Inn for a crowd of about a dozen rowdy Spanish lads.

“You want me to play the Macarena,” he asked, with his characteristic cheeky grin, and then proceeded to knock out a seemless bit of Spanish guitar to which the gathered multitude couldn’t resist the primordial urge to yell out “olé” in response.

Later one of the Spaniards drunkenly tried to appropriate Nick’s microphone but even his mates didn’t seem to be on his side. Later Nick said to me “where were you? I expected you to come up and play the security guard?” 

“I don’t do that,” I assured him, “I’m here to survey the scene and then given an honest account of the event.” He didn’t seem impressed.

Back in November we shot two videos with Nick, one was in his garden and the other lay away like a bottle of wine to mature in the cellar of some memory stick until age, or motivation, intervened. Finally here we have it, the much requested second video which we filmed in the park in Ranelagh on a characteristically lazy Sunday.

Nick’s the kind of guy who things just happen around, and everything always seems to work out. He has an enviable amount of charisma, which goes a long way towards explaining why five minutes in his company usually results in the conversation being interrupted several times by passersby who know him from…somewhere…around.

Gypsy Soul was the first song I ever heard by Nick after he posted a simple video of himself performing it onto his Facebook page. If ever a song deserved a decent quality video it was this one, with a ridiculously groovy rhythm and a rather joyous outlook on life. Hopefully this long overdue edit does the song some credit.

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