Liza Flume - Full Steam AheadLiza Flume’s music has been making its rounds on the on the internet a lot lately. Her videos for ‘What We Called Love‘ has been garnering some particular attention with nearly every music site posting it on their walls. Today Liza releases her highly anticipated debut EP ‘Full Steam Ahead’ under Toast Office Records and the album is an emotional powerhouse of looping vocals and open hearted lyrics that will make you question every single relationship you’ve ever had.

Liza’s music is all about build up, taking time to bring you in on her emotional turmoil before picking up pace and taking you place you didn’t think possible with such simplicity. Opening track Swords opens the EP with the kind of honestly that one rarely expects from a new artist. The track is one of heartbreak, much like the rest of the EP, with lyrics like “And if this is this end, let’s not pretend, that we are happy here” before breaking into another emotional rollercoaster of a track – Wasting Away, which holds a consistent beat in the background and a repetitive thud of honesty, which is evident throughout the five tracks.

What We Called Love, the debut single from the EP and is Liza’s catchiest track yet. It is resilient and probably one of the best examples of how to use a loop pedal to double up your vocals and add depth to your lyrics.

Liza’s songwriting ability is something many new artists should aspire to emulate, the kind of honesty that many longstanding artists fail to bring across in their music. The collection is beautifully simple and raw, quirky in places with an arrangement that leaves you longing for more but not feeling cheated when it comes to a close.

The EP is released tonight Friday 1st March in The Twisted Pepper. Get there if you can.