Will Butler at Whelan’s, Saturday 25th
Will Butler, multi-instrumentalist in Arcade Fire and brother to lead singer Win Butler, delivered his debut solo effort earlier on this year. He managed to achieve the ideal sound for that record, close enough to the distinctive sound of his parent band to appeal to old fans, but also sufficiently varied to not be a rip-off. If Will’s time at the front of the stage is anywhere near as energetic as his antics at the back of Arcade Fire, then we’ll be in for a treat.
Also See:
Sharon Van Etten at Vicar Street, Thursday 23rd
The mellow arrangements and the powerful harmonies that make up Sharon Van Etten‘s music will make an appearance at Vicar Street this Thursday. The singer’s fourth album, ‘Are We There’, earned universal critical acclaim last year and her rich instrumentation should shine through at Vicar Street. One for fans of The National perhaps.
Worth Checking Out:
Dutch Uncles at the Workman’s, Saturday 25th
Experimental art-pop group Dutch Uncles visit The Workman’s this weekend, bringing their quirky, off-kilter sound with them. The band have proven themselves over the course of four albums to be an engaging and exciting act, writing songs in bizzare time signatures, with broad instrumentation, all the while maintaining the ability to create a catchy tune.
Le Galaxie at the Academy, Friday 24th/ Saturday 25th
With a new album imminent from the delightful Irish synth-dance band, Le Galaxie have booked themselves in for two nights of good times at The Academy. With a well-established reputation as an excellent live band, and with new tunes to showcase, this show ought to be a belter