It was the bane of my travel to work today but it’s unfortunately unavoidable but today there will be a host of popular Irish artists playing on College Green in celebration of the appearance of Barack Obama at College Green for a rally.

He’s only here for the day (thank god, traffic wise) and he will address the country at 5pm were told. The gates will open at 2pm and from 3pm there should be some musical activity which should feature Westlife, Imelda May, The Saw Doctors, Jedward, Sharon Shannon, Mundy and The Coronas.

The Saw Doctors today told us they will be on stage at around 4pm. An hour before Obama is due to speak. There is only one entry to the event and that is the corner of Dame Street to Parliament Street as Garda have everything else locked down. It’s free to enter and no tickets or prior wristbands are needed but we do imagine that there will be a capacity limit so get there early or you’ll probably be force to turn back.

Thats all the details we know. If we get anymore we’ll update you but largely we’ll be avoiding it attempting in vain to get home this evening.