With Spudgun having returned to space, a couple of that band’s sonic explorers have been keeping busy with Acid Granny antics this past while. The band have their first music video out today, marking the beginning of the gradual online release of an improvised mixtape.
No better folks to fill you in on the details than the culprits themselves…
“Chickatweeks is the first track of our debut CD. The video was created by our drummer Missus McNanana. He has compiled a lot of footage from our street and studio mings, which have provided some fragrant bits for the cut. The tune was also produced by one of the grans.”
“Whenever the grannies bang behind closed doors, the machines are always listening. Because it’s impossible to squeeze all the mingers we want out of this big, unorganised pile of treasure, we have decided to spread around the sounds. To start off this process, the stems for Chickatweeks and the 10 other improvisations found on our shiny CDs are currently being sent around to the most bet-down producers we can find… to be turned into hits. You’d be lookin’ forward to that, now wouldn’t you?”
Well, yes, we would actually. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears primed for some aural adventure sounds.