Due to phenomenal demand, English rapper, songwriter and producer Mike Skinner AKA The Streets has announced a second show in Dublin’s 3Olympia Theatre for 23rd October 2023.  The dates coincide with the release of The Street’s first album in over a decade ‘The Darker The Shadow, The Brighter The Light’ scheduled for release on 20th October featuring the single ‘Trouble Waters’

“It has been seven long years working on this film and album. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and after dipping my toe in with some shorts and music videos, I felt I was ready. I tried to go the traditional route for a bit, but it’s always served me better to follow my instincts and just get on with it myself, so I’ve directed it, acted in it, edited, sound mixed, funded, produced it all as well as written it. The album doesn’t exist without it. Ultimately it’s all the fruits of a decade on the DJ circuit, watching people in clubs and back rooms, testing out beats and basslines to see what connected – and putting it all together into The Darker The Shadow The Brighter The Light” – The Streets

‘The Darker The Shadow The Brighter The Light’ is paired with Skinner’s debut feature film of the same name, a noir murder mystery based in London’s clubland. Support on the Dublin dates comes from indie-rapper Master Peace.

Tickets from €45.55 including booking fees on sale now from Ticketmaster.ie