- Q What album would you bring to a desert island with you?
- A Bakar - badkid
- Q Single most embarrassing album you ever bought?
- A The shrek soundtrack
- Q If you could rob the vocal chords of any singer, who would it be?
- A Jesus christ that's rough, probably, Killa Yan, hes got the voice of an angel!
- Q What song is your specialty at a karaoke?
- A Oh jees I've never done karaoke and I'm not planning on starting now
- Q If you could erase one act from existence, who would it be?
- A I've never thought about this before. Probably azaelia banks, I already have her blocked on Instagram, such a negative person!
- Q Out of all the venues in Ireland, where’s your favourite?
- A Probably the Olympia Theatre, some of the best gigs I've ever experienced were there and the staff is always amazing!
- Q Tell us something about you that people don’t know.
- A I started concert photography as a 16 year old just so I could meet celebrities, then I grew to love it. Now I try to keep my cool when I meet my fave artists so I don't look like a fan girl.