It is a brave thing for any act to cover the songs of a well established and respected band. It is also dangerous depending on the calibre of the act being covered, that you will disgust fans of the band, resulting in alienation. In this case the act is Fleetwood Mac, and you cannot get much more revered than that. Covering them is Belfast/Tynemouth band, The Salt Flats, who inevitably take a lot of influence from the famed UK band.

This EP does not disgust, however, unfortunately there is also nothing jaw droppingly spectacular about this cover EP. The EP stands to The Salt Flats’  obvious talent; impressive vocals and flawless musicianship, and they put their own stamp on the classic songs by Fleetwood Mac, however there is only one track which would draw the listener’s attention. Their version ‘big love’ is more haunting and emotive than the original, and it would not go amiss as a stand-alone cover on the band’s next album. The other three tracks however, fail to alter the originals in any way that would stand out to a listener, be they a Fleetwood fan or not.

A very unremarkable offer from an otherwise outstanding band.