Despite only forming in 2009 Storyfold have risen through the ranks quickly and managed to make quite a name for themselves in their short existence. They first came to the attention of the public with the release of their debut single Delphine wakes. The follow up single Behind Closed Doors proved just as popular and helped them secure a number of high profile gigs in the following months.

Their debut album may seem a little rushed considering they only formed in 2009 but it’s definitely a good first effort. There are definitely no filler tracks and each song blends perfectly with the next. I had loved the band since the release of their first single and played it inside out for a good few months after first getting my hands on it.

Their singles always captured the listener instantly and so I was expecting to fall for this album too. I have to admit I wasn’t sold on this one straight away. It’s very reminiscent of The Blizzards in places, bar the presence of a female voice and a piano. However after a few listens it definitely started to grow on me. It definitely has some catchy songs, and the presence of a female voice and piano definitely does it some favours. The opening song Ciara, Don’t be angry, starts off pretty slowly, and then suddenly kicks into quite a catchy chorus, definitely worth a listen. This album doesn’t quite grab you straight away but there are plenty of choruses that stick in your head, such as those of Trick of light and Run Kid, both solid sing-along-in-the-car type tracks.

Fan favourite Delphine Wakes is a welcome addition to the album, This catchy track is a personal favourite and for the uninitiated to the band this certainly would be the track that draws you in. Recent single The Battle is clearly the standout track of the album. It’s the kind of track that after one listen gives you the feeling this Dublin five piece could be a future iPod regular.

I reckon this is an album is definitely a slow burner, initially the releases you’re already familiar with will stand out but upon repeated listens other track begin to grow on you. It has all their previous singles and if you’re one of the people that compared them unfavourably to a number of other Irish groups, then this album will change your mind. Storyfold have really come into their own with Rocket Science, This might not be the album that breaks them big, but the starting blocks are there and the next release could be the start of something really exciting.