She’s a beauty are a 4 piece band hailing from Maynooth, Co.Kildare and ‘Champagne and Skittles’ is to be the bands first professional release. Obviously having never heard a record before from She’s A Beauty I really didn’t know what to expect, so all I was hoping was that the music didn’t match the choice of band name. However many bands have proved this is an irrelevant thought most of the time.

The first track of three titled “Where is the love” didn’t really impress me at first listen, or at second either for that matter. I mean, yes it’s listen-able but nothing special. The song contains that generic blues style riff that you’d hear in a common chuck berry or AC/DC tune and a solo to match. Vocals sound exactly like Jim Morrison, which to be fair is something to be credited, but the lyrics “where is the love” all through the chorus doesn’t leave me feeling like the band are actually singing about anything in particular but just trying to be rock n roll.

However I have to say I was turned on second track “Broken Bottles”. The band step totally away from what I described previously and a smooth acoustic progression with some nice slide guitar is topped by some lovely Ian Curtis/Jim Morrisson type vocals. There is a very jazz/country feel to this track and I could imagine, actually wish I was driving along a back road in the middle of the night with the stars out listening to this song. It’s got a nostalgic feel with some strings coming in fittingly during a late chorus and the sound of “broken bottles and empty cans”. Good songwriting and musical capabilities on show here.

Last up is the song “Jazz Talk” and yes, you guessed it, it’s jazzy. Some chords starting out similar to “Take 5” and the drumming and vocals come in before the chorus breaks with some nice stop/start dynamics. From there though after the first chorus I don’t get it, and the song just kind of drags on and I’m left back to where I was before “Broken Bottles”.

I think the band have a lot more work to do. There’s no doubt they can play as musicians but for me it all just seems a bit simple and generic. I’ve heard plenty of bands that come up with stuff along the same lines. The potential is there and I look forward to seeing a release after a few more that will make or break She’s A Beauty but for now this isn’t it.

Champagne and Skittles will be released on 28th September with a gig in The Workman’s Club, Dublin.