Review by Robert O’Connor

Sometimes as a critic you feel a sting of guilt when you’re forced to give a band a bad review. It’s true, we don’t just write off bands without a second thought. Generally music critics strive to find something worth praising in a bands recordings to the point that the glorifying three paragraphs detailing how well the band laid out their art work make the two lines about the music a tad ridiculous. On the other hand, there’s a limit to how much punishment the human body can sustain and The Drop of A Hat’s In Verse EP is really pushing those limits at the moment.

Aside from the ‘tedious at best’ string and guitar background music , the vocals are just awful with only the lyrics outshining them for the title of ‘Worst thing about this record’. After a few listens it has to be assumed that the entire EP is just a joke and not meant as a real musical offering to the world because clearly it is not something to listen to, rather something you slip in on the street.

Unfortunately the humour is lost and no matter how funny The Boys In The Bank seemed to the song writer originally, nothing has worked out here and the terrible, cat like quality of the vocals ensures no-one will sit down long enough with this EP to find any rumoured comedy.  The artwork’s not bad though!