Reviewer : Tadgh O’Connor

What is there to say that hasn’t already been praised about the stupefying Adebisi Shank? Their drummer Mick runs “The Richter Collective”, one of the most forward thinking record labels going at the moment. Bassist Vinny has a chiptunes project aptly named “The Vinny Club”, occasionally remixing other bands in Irelands music scene. Guitarist Lar has a pedal board to rival Kevin Shields or Tom Morello. They are the embodiment of all that is good in Irish music at the moment. Progressive, unique and down to earth, they destroy the artifacts of derivative post-punk revival which sadly has become common place.

As they entered the stage Vinny waved erratically like an enthusiastic child while sporting his trade mark red hood/mask. Obscurity is no stranger to this band. They started of with a couple of new songs some of which are in the same vein as tracks like “Ohayou”, they then dived into “You Me” with its talk box antics. Through out the set Lar throws himself about the stage and against the wall behind him. Energetic lacks in completeness to describe Adebisi Shank.

Between songs whilst Lar tunes up and adjusts his vast outfit of pedals Vinny jokes and plays with the crowd. At one stage he dedicates their new album to Mel Gibson “because he deserves it”. Later on he compliments the audience; “You’re lovely, we want to give you all wanks… nice ones”. He’s the comedic voice of the group, who coincidentally is faceless.

During the bridge of “Minirockers”, which was part of their much deserved encore, Vinny leaves the stage and enters the crowd. He grabs an audience member, dons them with his bass then drags them on stage. Whilst on stage he quickly teaches them how to play the final part of the song (upside down, turns out the guy was left handed). He then throws him in the deep end finishing up the song.

Easily Irelands greatest live band at the moment and in an outstanding venue Adebisi left me with many things that night. A yearning for their new album, a newfound optimism towards the future of Irish music and a slight rash.

Adebis Shank’s yet to be titled album will be out August 20th on the Richter Collective.