You could be listening to any sunkist American indie outfit until Duck Gallagher starts to sing on East Side. The influence of 80’s Irish rock such as Something Happens and The Four of Us is obvious, while homage is also paid to Brian Adams and the 80’s soft rock ballad in general.  Unfortunately they have failed to capture the energy of their live show in the studio.

Shake starts of with a guitar line somewhere in between “Summer of 69” and Nada Surf’s “Fruit Fly” until Ducks vocals turn it into a Neil Diamond parody in places.  We now know what a Diamond cover of any of the songs from Coldplay’s Parachutes album would sound like.   Turnaround Year is bass heavy and tonal, taking its cues from late 70’s early 80’s Bowie with interlocking muted arpeggio’s throughout.

Despite Ronan Hana’s obvious talent on guitar, there’s no getting away from the feeling that “its close but no cigar” for Pavesi.   The choruses fail to shine as bright as they do live.  It’s another case of a good live band failing to tame the studio.