Well if you have an Iphone and are brining it to Oxegen, there really is only one thing to have with you, be armed to the Teeth with the Oxegen Iphone app with a whole host of feature on it to help you enjoy the festival to the max. We are slightly disappointed there isnt a google android app going as we would be much bigger users of that but all the same this app looks really really impressive. Here’s the spiel on what it can do for you while you down in a field in punchestown.

Augmented Reality:
Find your way around Punchestown simply by holding up your phone and looking through the camera viewfinder.

The screen will show you all the points of interest – bars, food, water stations and lots more – you can even tag anywhere you want by GPS, like your tent, your car etc so you never get lost!

Our augmented reality feature is also fully integrated with Facebook – tapping on your friend’s name reveals their current status and location. There will be no more scenarios of getting lost and wandering around on your own. At the touch of a button you can invite your friends to where you are and post on their wall.
Don’t forget, your friends will also have to download the app and log in using Facebook Connect!

Line-Up and Interactive Planner
Create your own personal line-up schedule with our interactive planner. You can choose the bands you most want to check out and get reminders for any artist you have selected.

Stay up to date with the latest up-to-the-minute news & alerts on what’s happening on-site. Also features a twitter feed of all the
artists playing the Festival and all OXEGEN Tweets.

View the site through Google Maps – find where the nearest toilet, bar, food and water station is or locate your GPS marked personal belongings. Let your phone guide you to your tent at the end of the night! Or view an illustrated site-map to find your way around.

Interactive Kit List
Because you never know what you might forget…The checklist is a list of festival essentials that allows you to ensure that you’ve packed and brought everything you need – you can also add things we might not have thought of and tick them off as they go into your bag.

drinkaware.ie Festival Survival Guide
All the practical information you’d expect from the Festival Survival Guide on looking good, pitching the perfect tent, staying safe, competitions for gig tickets, festival insider tips plus ‘did you know’ facts on the top acts.

Find out how to get to and from the festival. Includes a live traffic feed from AA Roadwatch so you can avoid the traffic.