Friends of the site and hosts of our show on RTE 2XM, The Fourcast – Night Maker Studios are hold another exciting open day down in the studio on August 27th.

Night Maker Studios is located in Unit 25, Town Centre Mall, Swords and it was created and curated by Russell Cooley. The open day will be between 1pm and 6pm and will feature lots of information about the coming courses including

New DJ Course headed up by David De Valera.
Ableton 2 Day intensives with Phil Misk.
1 day Sound Engineering crash courses with Spector.
Film creation course with Leon Elliot.
One Day Intensives.
Electronic Music Production with Russell Cooley.
Advanced Music Production with Lez Stapleton.

Feel free to come down and chat with our tutors and some of our current students. We will have music and live demonstrations in Video Editing, Music Production and Sound Engineering.