1468596_666659856699232_1273796094_nFree is always good and if you’re looking for a career in music then a seminar on something close to what you hope to achieve can yield some extremely useful information.

We Budweiser Future Sounds Recording Studio on South Great George’s Street will be hosting seminar’s between November 18th and 29th 2013. They will feature music career themes including band management, music production, music promotion in the digital age and a personal story on life as a musician from Mik Pyro.

Each night, attendees will have a chance to network over a complimentary Budweiser and will also be treated to a live acoustic set by one of the Future Sounds unsigned bands.

Music Seminars

Producing Future Sounds -Rob Kirwan, Music Producer
Music in the Digital Age
Becoming a Headliner -Shane Dunne, Founder of Indiependence
Tools for Today’s Manager -Ken Allen, Faction (Manager/Record Label)
‘A Life in Music‘ – Mik Pyro, Republic of Loose

See Facebook.com/Budweiser for specific dates and times and to register to attend.Spaces limited. Email studio@budweisermusic.ie to register your interest in attending.