David Owens holds a degree in mathematics but in 2013, he ditched the corporate lifestyle that comes with working for a major multi-national company to travel around Europe in a campervan.

Owen had always held musical aspirations having started to play piano at the age of five. Somewhere along his way around Europe, he began to busk to earn some money and reignited his passion for music wholesale; the first fruits of which are Owens’ debut release ‘Honey Moon’.

We went to see David Owens in action on Dublin’s Grafton St. and spoke about the life of a busker.

David Owens - Busker

Why do you busk?

I Love it, kind of fell into it as a way to make money when I was travelling but then really enjoyed it so made a career out of it.

David Owens - Busker

Best moment busking?

My last show in Prague there was about 300 people watching the show, it was an amazing experience. It was my biggest ever show that is always going to be a best moment for any busker.

David Owens - Busker

Worst Moment busking?

There's a few things, having to deal with drunk people and having money stolen from my case, but the pros easily out way the cons


What are your aspirations?

I want to be famous man! I guess the dream is to play at a big festival and for the people to sing along to something I wrote.


Favourite spot to busk?

Mauerpark in Berlin because it's a big busking spot and it's full of good street musicians so you can do good shows but also learn lots from the other great buskers