With only a few days to go to Knockanstockan 2015, we couldn’t be more excited.

Aside from the ridiculously pretty lineup and the stunning location, Knockanstockan continues to be one of the real highlights of our summer because of the people working hard behind the scenes.

The eclectic team of music lovers are like the Dirty Dozen of Irish Indie music – a rag tag lineup of workers and volunteers that somehow manage to achieve heroic feats of organisation each year. With just a few days to go, we present this handy guide to who’s who. These folks aren’t in it for the accolades, we’re sure, but if you do run into them over the weekend, it may be handy to know who to thank for the deadly time you'e having.


Christina Coburn

Key role

Help out with media stuff!!

Best Memory

Seeing the festival explode from a session with a few friends to an award winning festival with a firm date on the summer calendar!  To pick something that actually happened at the festival.. I think it was 2008 we bore the brunt of torrential storms, one of our stages literally blew away surreal moment watching the crew trying to hold a tent down and it taking flight across the Blessington night sky!  We ended up borrowing the Hari Krishnas’ tent, they were down making veggie food for the punters… pretty memorable moment!

Favourite Knockan-hangout

The Faerie Field, there’s nothing better than finishing a long shift rubbing shoulders with the medja then legging it down to the Faerie Field catching some chilled out vibes with a cocktail from one of the bars… BLISS!

Favourite Knockan-band

The Hot Sprockets obviously… they’re friends of mine so I’m a bit biased (but only a bit).


Joey Sauce (The Hot Sprockets)

Key role

I play bass in The Hot Sprockets and I’ve ran my own Saucy Sundays Stage.

Best Memory

Headlining last year was a personal highlight for me. Feeling so much positive energy and being a part of it was really moving. I just love wandering around meeting people, enjoying independent music and feeling free. That’s really my favourite thing.

Favourite Knockan-hangout

The addition of the Fairie Field Stage was amazing. It’s just a lovely area and the atmosphere there is what Knockanstockan is all about for me. So much character to it!

Favourite Knockan-band (s)

The Hassle Merchants, The Eskies, Travis Oaks, Kicking Bird


Graham Sharpe (aka G Star)

Key role

I’d be the main music coordinate, checking in with the whole line up team and locking down the program for the weekend, and then loads of other mad stuff……you never just do one thing at KnockanStockan.

Best Memory

I think, seeing all of our hopes and ambitions become a reality…..we’ve fought so hard to get where we are now but it really worked, it’s amazing seeing this beautiful army of musicians, artists, photographers, radio folk, bloggers, Djs, carpenters, music lovers (and the list could go on) all coming together to celebrate something that’s truly worthwhile. Over the last 7 years of KnockanStockan I’ve got to know some of the most amazing human beings you could ever meet!

Favourite Knockan-hangout

I’d say most of the crew would say the Faerie Field stage, and it’s my favourite too, it’s just the most perfect place to watch a gig ever!

Favourite Knockan-band (s)

[names too many bands to fit into this space]



Key Role

This is confusing.

Best Memory

This is confusing.

Favourite Knockan-band (s)

Sure, I don’t know any of them, I don’t even like festivals.


Phil Deadly

Key Role

Whatever I’m told!

Best Memory

Hearing the very first bass boom when the PA’s are being line checked the day before.

Favourite Knockan-band (s)

Sarah Red, Mescalito, Mongoose, Land of Giants


Ross McSharry

Key Role

Ministry of The Fence.

Best Memory

New Secret Weapon back in 2008.

Favourite Knockan-hangout

The Ball Pool.

Favourite Knockan-band (s)

Count Tronado, Overhead the Albatross, Marcas Carcas, The Bambir.



Key Role

Getting eaten alive.

Favourite Knockan-hangout

Sitting around the table for dinner during the build.

Favourite Knockan-band (s)

King Modo, The Barley Mob, King Modo, Sarah Red.



Key Role

Mozying around Woodtown

Favourite Knockan-hangout

Swimming in the lake

Favourite Knockan-band (s)

The Barley Mob


Nick the Finesht

Key Role

What I’m told.

Best Memory

The Burlesque Show, and I just found out it’s not happening this year, so I’m off.

Favourite Knockan-band (s)

The ones that play the latest and the longest .



Key Role


Best Memory

Dragging a two-and-a-half inch pipe through the darkest corner of the festival on my own with no help from anyone.

Favourite Knockan-band (s)

Meltybrains, Bitch Falcon, Bagles.


Jennifer Guerin

Key Role

Mill around, all the boring things, give out!

Best Memory

Everyone coming together!

Favourite Knockan-hangout

The Faerie field.

Favourite Knockan-band (s)

New Secret Weapon, Meltybrains?, The Eskies, Sarah Red.
