Family act The Awning formally known as Scoth have released their debut single ‘July’ which was written in the aftermath of the passing of a close friend who drowned.

“This song was written in the aftermath of losing a dear friend who passed away far too soon. It explores the vulnerable emotions of grief and serves as a poignant reminder of life’s fragility.” explain the duo who are comprised of cousins Darragh Purcell and Evan Flaherty.

“The lyrics narrate the events from his drowning to the funeral, with each day passing swiftly and insignificantly. Such moments make you question life and confront the reality that you cannot control the broader course of events. The carefree and joyful essence of summer is upended, forever altering what the month of July signifies for all of us. This song is for him.”

The Clare cousins lean into a ’70s Laurel Canyon sound with elements of traditional Irish music intertwined alongside hints of Nick Drake and Sufjan Stevens and are set to follow-up the release of July with an appearance at Ireland Music Week this October.

However, if you enjoyed ‘July’ you can catch them live in The Workman’s Celler on September 10th with support from Fiona O’Connoll. Who knows, you may even find an angry Mundy in the house, shouting “July is mine, you cute hoors.”