The first overseas show from American organisers Best Fest who are responsible for such events as Stones Fest, Petty Fest, Bowie Fest and now Dylan Fest.
Dylan Fest is sponsored by Jameson and will be taking place in The Academy, Dublin on August 9th 2013. It will feature performances from an incredible list of acts including Nick Valensi and Albert Hammond Jr (The Strokes), Fran Healy (Travis), Paul Noonan (Bell X1), Gemma Hayes, Boz Scaggs, Jape, Conor and Neil Adams (The Cast of Cheers), Butch Walker, James Vincent McMorrow, Heathers, Cathy Davey, Gavin Friday, Ruby Amanfu and Jerry Fish.
They will all be performing Bob Dylan songs with the house band. Tickets cost €25 and are on sale now from Ticketmaster with 100% of all sale proceeds going to Sweet Relief Musicians Fund.