Ballyfermot is set to host a show that has been put together but the Ballyfermot RAPID area programme and local community radio station West Dublin Access Radio.

The show is set to take place on the Ballyfermot Road Park which is beside the Ballyfermot community civic centre on Sunday August 21st from 1pm till 8pm. There will be two stages which will be broken into one for full bands and the other for acoustic acts so you will know what to expect from each stage.

Acts like Fox.E and the Good Hands, Sinead McNally, James O’Connor, Audrey Trainor, Klara McDonnell, The Beer Mats, The Barley Mobs and loads more. The lineup is below.

There will be fun and games for the kids with spot prizes to be won and also a BBQ with a sitting area on location. The event is set to be a great occasion for family, friends and music fans alike.

The Acoustic Stage
Cathryn Green
Ciaran Lenehan
Dave Morrissey
Dem Fools
Donna Dunne
Eva Porter
Jessica Pritzel
James O’Connor and Audrey Trainor
Klara McDonnell
Lou McMahon
Mairead Farrell
Peter Fitzpatrick
Rachael McCormack
Rob Hughes
Robert O’Connor
Sara Lou
Seanie Vaughan
Sharon Reid
Sinead McNally

The Band Stage
The Beer Mats
The Barley Mob
Fox E and The Good Hands
24 Broken Amps
Soldiers Can’t Dance
The RadioActive Grandma
The FritzaFrenic
The Irish Rolling Stones Hot Licks
Niall O’Shea
Third Smoke
Blue Choir