Funzo - This Christmas - Irish AdventDay two of our Irish advent calendar. Did you enjoy Dustin? It’s all getting festive around here, the run up to Christmas is so much fun and hopefully our daily advent helps get you excited too.

Most Advent Calendars offer you a chocolate for your endeavours, but for opening our link, we’ll reward you with a video from an Irish act from across the years. We’ll be using a mix of playful tracks, covers and originals by Irish artists of all varieties. There is no specific order to it, it’s not a top 25, it’s more 25 great tracks we want to share.

Number 24 is so sickly sweet Buddy The Elf might feel a bit nauseated, however as the song says: “I guess this time of year everyone’s a child”. It’s the Christmas FM song contest 2009 winner Funzo with their track This Christmas.


Funzo – This Christmas