foeSlap bang in the middle of festival season, there is always a bombardment of album and EP releases for our ears to enjoy. Friends of Emmet are a pop band originally from Dublin, who are now doing their thing in Los Angeles, California. The five piece released their three track EP ‘No Surprise’ in May.

The records title track No Surprise is upbeat and fun and definitely suits its summer time release date. Even though the song’s chorus is extremely catchy and will no doubt be stuck in your head long after you have listened to it, the rest of the song is lacking. A mix of meaningless lyrics and half-hearted guitar playing means it doesn’t reach its full potential.

However, Headlines is a fantastically composed pop song that truly shows the band to be a group of highly experienced musicians. Singer Mark Leddys vocals are flawless. Mark’s voice is rich and powerful, and his control is something to definitely be admired. This, blended with the full and crisp backing vocal round off what is nothing short of a top class track.

Probably the strongest song on the EP, is 13th Floor. Again the chorus is haunting and appealing, and straight away has the listener humming and singing along. It is as if it was composed for radio and further proves the band’s experience and showcases how well they blend together as musicians.

These three songs are a short but sweet collection from a band that are sure to be blasting through the airwaves for a long time to come, and their stock is sure to rise with this promising release.